I never hear anyone whistle a tune any more. Do you? I used to whistle a lot. Now, something has happened to my whistler and I have a pretty limited range. Dad didn’t whistle as much as Mom did. Dad sang a lot, but when I could hear my mother whistling an old song, […]

Jun 28, 2020
Just Give a Whistle
·How long has it been since you heard a whistle? I don’t mean the shrill sound of blowing through a whistle, I mean where someone purses their lips and whistles. Used to be, whistling was common. In fact, if I remember correctly, there was a song or two that had whistling in it. So, what […]

Sep 29, 2019
Wet Your Whistle
·“Sit down and wet your whistle.” What? What does that mean? A dry mouth and lips don’t whistle very well, so, this was a welcoming invitation, to come in, sit down, and have something to drink. I grew up hearing whistling. Dad didn’t whistle as much as Mom did. Dad sang a lot, but when […]