Houses can be bought and sold, but homes cannot. Perhaps a house is no more than a few square feet of floor space but to someone, it’s home. Old houses, large houses, tiny houses and tumble-down houses have histories. As I pass them by, I wonder if love lived within their walls. I wonder if […]
A Gathering Place
Are there times when you long for the warmth of a friendly home, the sincerity of a smile, the familiarity of people and a certain place, the knowledge that you are welcome? Do you ever turn to a well-loved book to recapture that comfort? I do. I go to Mary Roberts Rinehart. How many times […]

The Coffee Is Hot, the Welcome Is Warm
Outside my window, fog hides the world behind an eerie curtain. But, come on in and let’s have an early morning chat. The coffee is hot, the welcome is warm at my house. A car hums up the hill, its headlights tunneling through a colorless world. How welcoming lights appear in the darkness! Have you ever gone through […]