Wednesday morning and my thoughts are wandering here and there. I see walkers go up the hill and wonder about them. What are their interests, their likes and dislikes? What are their goals in life? Are they happy? Behind every person is a story–the reasons they are here, where they came from, what they hope […]

Is This Tuesday?
·I’m convinced this is Tuesday. Yesterday, I was convinced today would be Wednesday. For some reason, I was one day ahead all yesterday. I had rolled my trash can halfway into the yard before I realized–whoa! I’m one day off. Not to worry. I’ll probably get my days straight before tomorrow. Maybe. It’s such a […]

The Wonderful Week That Went By Fast
·The Wonderful Week That Went By Fast Every author looks forward to the launch of her book. Months of sitting at the computer, checking facts, going back and forth with editors and publishers, and at last, the BIG DAY! Monday was just such a day for GRAVE HERITAGE, the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery […]