For a couple of years, the Cozy Critters (my critique group) and I have talked about a cozy mystery where they are the principal players. So, I’ve finally gotten around to starting one. It’s just for fun; I don’t intend to send it to a publisher. And, I’ve narrowed the group of friends in this […]

No Way to Have a Wedding
·The pastor seemed to grasp onto that word, accident. “Yes”, he said. “That’s it.” Tears filled Della’s eyes and coursed down her cheeks. “Is he all right?” she whispered. Squirt hurried to Della and knelt in front of her. “You’ve gotta be brave, Della.” “Well, where is he?” she demanded, jumping […]

The Altared Wedding
“Della Louise, if you don’t hold still, I swear I’m going to stick you,” I said, trying to pin the pink rose corsage on Della’s silver-colored silk suit. Della giggled. “I probably couldn’t feel it if you did. For goodness sake, I’m not a starry-eyed bride, but I’m so jittery, just as giddy […]