Michael the Monster Is Coming

Michael the Monster Is Coming

  It is cloudy and warm in NW Arkansas this morning, but a change is coming. Storms are forecast for the afternoon and tomorrow, much cooler. Would you believe that by Monday, we may have a frost? But, hey! This is nothing compared to what the panhandle of Florida and Alabama have to look forward […]

Lightning Popped and Sizzled

Lightning Popped and Sizzled

          Whew! What a night! Lightning popped and sizzled; thunder crashed and Nemo paced. Because he wasn’t asleep during the heavenly fireworks, neither was I. What is it about a storm that terrifies some animals? Do they feel an electrical charge in the air? Is it the noise? Are they afraid […]

And Then Came the Reward

And Then Came the Reward

Work is often its own reward. A person can lose herself in work and troubles all just disappear, or at least, grow smaller. Yesterday was a day perfect for losing troubles and worries. It was a day to be glad just to be alive. Neither hot nor cold, but somewhere in a comfortable in between, […]

Happy Vernal Equinox

Happy Vernal Equinox

Happy vernal equinox, everyone. The day and night having been nearly equal, now the days will start inching longer and longer until we reach the longest day, the first day of summer in June. As usual, March is showing its temperamental side, parts of the nation having a snowstorm, parts, especially Alabama, hard-hit by a […]

The Inside Scoop from an Expert

The Inside Scoop from an Expert

You may think that groundhogs merely predict the weather. Here’s the inside scoop–they don’t predict, they control the weather. You know why? The answer may astound you. Probably every area has a groundhog. We all know about the famous Punxsutawney Phil. Being born and raised in Oklahoma, all I know about are Okie groundhogs and […]

When the Wind Chill Is Way, Way Down

When the Wind Chill Is Way, Way Down

I don’t know what other thermometers read this morning, but mine is down to -1 degree with a wind chill of -15 degrees. The sun is shining, so the cold is deceptive. It is not snowy or sleeety, just a deadly serious frigid temperature. I’veĀ  put out the first seeds and water of the morning […]