Last night, we had another dry thunderstorm–the second one this month. According to what I’ve read, these are common in western states during late spring and early summer, but, for goodness sake! Arkansas is not west. I’d just as soon not have them. Caused by excessive heat and dry air, they present a lot of […]
Clouds Without Water
·Saturday night, we had a strange storm. The weatherman was telling of significant weather watches, and I could see clouds moving in. Then, along about dark, I heard thunder getting closer. And, closer. At last, it was booming right overhead. Lightning flashed followed by loud reports. I was sure we’d get rain. Guess what? Nary […]
Don’t Be Fooled
·You may have a fly on your nose, a lizard on your head, or your shoes may be untied. Watch out! It’s April Fool’s Day! How long has that light-hearted tradition been around? Well over three hundred years. It’s a time when people get kind of giddy, thinking about winter being over and spring […]
The Wind in the Trees
·The wind in the treetops this morning is making the branches restless. I wonder if it’s telling them to get ready because cold weather is on the way. Funny–wind make me feel restless too, unsettled and a trifle uneasy. Weather change or not, the birds and squirrels will be well-fed on sunflower seeds. It’s funny […]
Groundhogs and Weather
·It’s Groundhog Day. Punxatawney Phil didn’t see his shadow. So, according to tradition, this means an early spring. Is that an accurate prediction? The answer remains a mystery. It’s fun to see what the folk in Punxatawney make of waking up Phil. It was snowing as a large group, known as the Inner Circle, in top […]