The Ring, Rain, and Rhododendrons

The Ring, Rain, and Rhododendrons

Rain and storms are forecast for NW Arkansas and lightning flares in the distance. I’m pretty sure it is raining in Ireland, too, where St. Patrick’s Day originated. They may not have the thunder and lightning, though. While I was there, rain was sometimes hard but never stormy.  Each day of my visit to Ireland […]

Lovely Morning

It’s such a lovely morning, above freezing, sunshine, flowers hesitantly starting to take a peek at the world. I wonder, on such a morning, why there’s turmoil and trouble and hatred anywhere?  At last, I can breathe a sigh of relief for the robins. When snow and ice covered the ground, those real-life early birds […]

Just a Mite Chilly

It’s a little more than just a mite chilly here in NW Arkansas this morning. I think that fifteen degrees below zero must be a record. A friend, a Cozy Critter, in a near-by Arkansas town is even colder and that’s not counting wind chill. So, what’s happening? Has the great frozen North Pole moved […]

It Was On a Monday

It Was On a Monday

It was on a murky Monday, a  cold, gray beginning to the work week that I sat at my computer, glancing out of the window now and then. Tree branches, black and bare, reached scraggly fingers toward the sky. A flock of blackbirds swooped in and settled on the lawn. They pecked busily at unseen […]

Dark and Drippy

Dark and Drippy

This is another dark, drippy day. The temperature is falling and the sky is metallic gray. It’s a “lights on in every room with fireplace going” kind of day. How many of you make New Year’s resolutions? I actually don’t. Oh, I may jot down a few goals in my journal and quite a few […]

Tucked Away

Christmas 2020 is tucked away now, put into boxes and stored in the garage until next Christmas. I always take down tree, ornaments, and other decorations with a degree of sadness, wondering what will transpire until it’s time to put them up again. However, now the house seems larger and Nemo is glad to get […]