If they were people, I’d say they were getting together for an early morning cup of coffee and a chat. As they were birds, the coffee doesn’t quite apply and the chat wasn’t all that friendly. Each morning, around 7:30, birds come to my two bird baths in the front yard. This morning, the robins […]

A Land of Many Springs
·My mother was born in 1906. She had many memories of Cherokee County, the way it was when she was a child. One of the things she remembered was the abundance of fresh, clean water. These are her words, her story as she told it to me: Green country used to be a land of […]

·I closed my eyes. Surely, this was a nightmare. But, when I looked again, the chest and the skeleton were still there, a few feet in front of me. The room was taller than the tunnel. I could stand upright. And, it wasn’t as dark as the tunnel. The sound of the sea was deafening […]

Clouds Without Water
·Saturday night, we had a strange storm. The weatherman was telling of significant weather watches, and I could see clouds moving in. Then, along about dark, I heard thunder getting closer. And, closer. At last, it was booming right overhead. Lightning flashed followed by loud reports. I was sure we’d get rain. Guess what? Nary […]

Not Even a Whisper
·There’s not even a whisper of a breeze this morning. When I stepped out on the deck, the boards under my feet felt warm. Everything is hushed and still, as if nature is holding its breath. The sun isn’t up yet, but the birds are. Blackbirds have sort of taken over my back yard. There’s […]

Right Thing, Wrong Place
·Doing something really dumb is not always confined to the human race. Have you ever done the right thing but chosen the wrong place to do it? Sometimes we all goof, even our wild, feathered friends. Yesterday, I was checking out my water fountain and there, floating in the pool, was the broken shell of […]