This morning, as I got out of my comfortable bed, I thought about the things that keep me warm at night–quilts. And then, I thought about how life is much like a homemade quilt. Some of the colors are bright, some are dark, but they all go together to make the quilt. Some of […]

Happy First Day of June
If you’re one of those lucky people born this month, you’ve got a lot of good things going for you. First, there’s your birthstone–you have two of them! The pearl and the Alexandrite are yours. Flowers? Also two–the rose and the honeysuckle. So, you’re bright and shiny, have infinite value, and smell good too. Other […]
Frost and Friendship
·Frost is spread over rooftops this morning. Fingers of tree shadows stretch across brown leaves on lawns. In its final two days, November is saying good-bye in a chilly way. This is the day I need to bring one of my plants inside. All summer, I thought it was a geranium, but now that it […]
Beginning Again
·It looked to me like there could have been a light frost last night, at least, on the neighbor’s roofs. The cold front is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I just had a sobering thought. If the temperature really hits 28 degrees, will all these lovely, green leaves be killed and will the trees have to […]

How About Your Soul?
·June is a summer month, but, all too soon, the warm, lazy days of summer will pass and the chilly winds of autumn will be upon us. I hope I can keep the warmth of summer in my soul, though, to remember when darkness comes early and the flowers fade. And, imagination–the spirit that can’t […]