Language, like everything else, changes with time. Sometimes I’m brought up short by realizing a word that I’ve used all my life doesn’t make sense to a younger generation. I’m out-of-date, not hip, and am an old fuddy-duddy. Never should I say my sofa is a davenport. By the way, I don’t make long-distance calls […]
A Few Sizes Too Small
·I just got to thinking about words. We use them every day. Written or spoken, we can’t get along without them. So, with all the beautiful words to choose from, why do some of us use ugly, degrading, base words? Is it to get a reaction? To show that we’re really up with the times? […]

What Word is in Your Mouth?
·Politicians often get into trouble for their choice of words and try “walking them back.” How do you do that? Many times, I’ve wished I could “walk a word back” but once it’s spoken, I sure don’t know any way to get it unspoken. The best I could do was apologize for what I […]

Gone with the North Wind
·The warm weather is gone with the north wind. Sure enough, roof tops and lawns are white with snow. This isn’t the pretty, fluffy stuff of Christmas cards, but is more like sleet–cold and frozen and there’s just a thin covering. But, sure enough, winter is winter, so what can I expect? Changing the subject […]