Remember that old, scary film, Out of the Fog? Well, it’s foggy this morning, and so thick that it looks as if anything could slowly emerge from the fog–eerie and silent. What is there about fog that appeals to imaginations? Maybe it’s because it distorts things and makes the familiar seem weird and unknown. […]

When the Smoke Clears
·When the smoke clears, when the dust settles, when coronavirus is a thing of the past, how will it have changed things? It’s strange that an unseen, microscopic something can so re-arrange everyday life. For the first time that I know anything about, our huge church will be having services Sunday online only. This virus […]

Think on These Things
·I don’t believe in putting my head in the sand and not knowing what’s going on. Neither do I believe in panicking. Dictionary definition: Panic is sudden overpowering fear, often affecting large numbers of people all at once. This, I’m afraid, is what many people are experiencing and, let me tell you, it doesn’t […]