A large oak stands in front of the house. It is so tall and its limbs spread so wide that anyone standing under it during a rain is sheltered, as if by a giant umbrella. The tree is old and has seen many changes. A busy street a few feet away was once a dirt […]
The Older I Get
The older I get…the more I value family and friends and life and the less concerned I am about surface stuff, …the more I appreciate old values, old friends, old remedies to ills, physical and emotional, and spiritual. […]

·My brothers, Thurman, Tracy, and Richard, my brother-in-law Ray served in the Navy; my husband in the Army; my nephew Clint joined the Marines. They all came back home, all except Clint. We lost him to an awful place called Viet Nam. I think of Clint often and especially on Memorial Day. The United States […]
The Older I Get
·The older I get…the more I value family and friends and life and the less concerned I am about surface stuff, …the more I appreciate old values, old friends, old remedies to ills, physical and emotional, and spiritual. […]
Things My Mama Taught Me
·All the good things that I am, came from my parents. The not-so-good? Well, I’ve managed those things on my own. This morning I was thinking about things my mother taught me. I had never really tried to itemize them, they were just there. To list them would be like trying to draw a diagram […]