Remember how excited we’d get as children on Valentine’s Day, counting those cards, reading the verses, keeping them in boxes? What a sweet custom! It seemed to me that my kindergarteners got more excited about Valentine’s Day than about Christmas. They would decorate white paper sacks which I fastened to the chalk tray then they would […]
A Gift of Love
·Yesterday, I got a packet in the mail from the young people at our church’s school. I get one every year about this time, just before Valentine’s Day. It never fails to cheer me. Inside the brown envelope are small, hand-made Valentines. The children have written small notes of encouragement, and they include Bible verses. […]

A Valentine’s Gift for You
·Change is the spice of life, isn’t it? Sometimes, it’s nice to do things a little differently–take critiques, for instance. Instead of our usual meeting place, which is my house, Nancy, Peg, Jane, and I met at our favorite restaurant. We missed Carolyn who couldn’t make it. In between devouring bites of cheeseburgers and […]