A damp, dank odor wafted out. I stared at the opening; I’m sure my mouth hung open as I tried to take in what had happened. A tunnel? In my snug little home? Why? Hesitantly, I stepped closer and shone the flashlight’s beam into the dark, cobwebby space. I could see no end to it, […]

Inside the Tunnel
·Chapter 8 Miss Georgia was so relieved that she sat right flat down on the floor, tears oozing out of her eyes. “Thank the Lord,” she breathed. “Georgia! Georgia, look at this,” Abigail cried. “It’s a room or something, but it’s all dark.” Georgia took a deep breath. Holding onto the side […]

A Descent into the Depths
·A surprise: Although I don’t know how long the special price for this ebook will last, The Cemetery Club is on sale at Amazon for 99 cents. Here is an excerpt from that first Darcy and Flora cozy mystery: Flopping onto my stomach, I squeezed, head first, down the first two stone steps. I heard my […]