It’s cool and rainy here in NW Arkansas this morning. It was cool and rained part of almost every day four years ago in Ireland. But then, the sun came out and shone from a blue sky upon those very green hills. I’ve enjoyed looking back at this trip of a lifetime. I hope […]

Mornings Go Better with Coffee and You
·So come on in, and let’s have a warm conversation on this strange sort of weather morning. My thoughts are scattered, but there’s nothing like a cup of hot coffee and a talk with a friend to sort things out. It is so-o windy this morning. There’s a chance for storms, then the temperature drops […]

The Enchanting, Unforgettable Emerald Isle
·Sure, and it was four years ago that I traveled to the enchanting Emerald Isle, but it was an unforgettable, marvelous place–truly grand. And, since I loved it then and love it now, I’ll reprint what I said about it, shortly after arriving back home from that wonderful place called Ireland. Green fields of every […]

Listening In On Mr. and Mrs. Claus
Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and no. […]