The tree is fully decorated now–my mother’s crocheted snowflakes are on it. Somehow, when I put decorations on the tree December 1, I couldn’t find the boxes of my mother’s snowflakes. Where were they? Well, yesterday, I found them tucked away safely inside another box and now the tree looks finished, completed, and ready to […]

Dec 3, 2013
The Story of the Ornaments
·This morning could be an early spring day, if I didn’t know better. The earth is dampish, there is a soft mist in the air, I see smoke rising from where my neighbor just started a fire in her fireplace, and the temperature is 34. But, judging from the forecast, Wednesday or Thursday we will […]

Apr 27, 2013
Do Golf Balls Grow on Trees?
·Can you guess what this is? If you guessed a golf ball stuck in a tree with bark growing around it, you’d be right. My brother Tracy Day who, along with my sister-in-law Carlene, live in Branson, sent me this interesting photo. At a glance it looks as if the tree may be the first […]