They sit on my bookshelf, alone, neglected, and lonely. Once, they were prized, valuable. Within them was the knowledge of centuries. Today, they still contain that knowledge, but they are no longer sought after. That is the sad fate of my set of World Book. Alas! They have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Who […]

That Was a Long Time Ago!
·Yesterday was a this and that sort of day. My grandson asked me to make fudge, so I did–the old-fashioned kind that’s fun to do, the chocolatey concoction bubbling on the stove and filling the kitchen with a delicious aroma. But, before that…in fact, on Friday, I went to my favorite antique store […]

·Time! What is it? We can’t see it, but it is the most precious gift we have. How much time do we have? Only God knows. What we do with our allotted time is pretty much up to us. I still have this little Hallmark date book that I got way back in the 1950s. […]

The Magic Wand of Time
·The morning is dark and cool. We’re under a tornado watch and a flood warning. Last night’s weather was wicked in many places and I haven’t yet heard of all the damage done in Oklahoma and other states. Sunday, as we drove to the cemetery for Decoration Day, we were amazed to see evidence of […]

Traveling Backward in Time
January is a time for a new beginning–new year, new hopes and dreams. Or, do we polish off the old ones and keep them going, bright and shining? My younger brother and I were the only children left at home; the older siblings grew up, married, moved away, and it was just Richard, Mom and […]