It is really looking like fall this morning. The maples in front and back yards are almost bare of leaves. Those that are left are a pale orange against the backdrop of dark limbs. The yard is carpeted in those leaves and this morning, they are soggy. Yes! We’ve had more much-needed, wonderful rain. I’m […]
Looking High and Low
I’ve lost something! I am embarrassed to tell you what it is because I should have kept it in a safe place and I thought I did. So, to help with the frustration, I’ve found a rhyme flitting through my head. Before I lose it too, I’ve captured it and put it on this page, […]
·What is it a sign of when I wake up with the old Mickey Mouse Club theme song running through my head? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck) Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck). Forever let us raise our banner high, high, higher! Etc. There’s more. Anyway, who knows the reason for pop-up memories? In my work-in-progress, […]

Characters and Time
·At one of our critiques, a few years back, I mentioned to my friends gathered around the table that I should start a third mystery series starring them, the Cozy Critters! Everybody liked that idea and started choosing names for themselves and cautioning me not to kill them off in my book. “Well, why not?” […]

Birthdays and Things
·Another birthday has come and gone, and I’m reminded of what a wonderful family I have and what great friends. Thanks to one and all. It’s hard to believe just how many birthdays I’m talking about, so we’ll lightly skip over them. Changes! There’ve been an unbelievable number of changes through the years. Things which […]