John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough defeated the French and Bavarians on August 2, 1704. Who knew? And, today, who cares? But, if you were the Duke or his British soldiers at that time, you cared a lot! If any one individual was ever the inspirations for stories of intrigue, mystery, action, or romance, it was […]

Wandering Wednesday Thoughts
·Wednesday morning and my thoughts are wandering here and there. I see walkers go up the hill and wonder about them. What are their interests, their likes and dislikes? What are their goals in life? Are they happy? Behind every person is a story–the reasons they are here, where they came from, what they hope […]

What Do You Think About Freedom?
·Freedom! Millions have died to obtain it or keep it. Without it, what do we have? I’m just asking. Do we have security from fear of retaliation? Do we have the warm feeling of belonging? Do we have a feeling of superiority? From what do we want to be free? And what is worth giving […]
Mud Puddles
·Puddles that remain after a rain can’t help it that they happen to be in a low spot and will probably never grow into a more respectable name, like pond or creek. From the moment they are formed, they are simple puddles and puddles they’ll remain until they sink out of sight. Puddles are good […]

Is This Tuesday?
·I’m convinced this is Tuesday. Yesterday, I was convinced today would be Wednesday. For some reason, I was one day ahead all yesterday. I had rolled my trash can halfway into the yard before I realized–whoa! I’m one day off. Not to worry. I’ll probably get my days straight before tomorrow. Maybe. It’s such a […]

Now’s the Time
·Now’s the time to look around and enjoy those things close to home. We tend to hurry, to rush here and there, trying to meet appointments, and we’re busy, but, now? Now, much of this has come to a full stop. Here we are at home, in a rather small space, and, suddenly, we can […]