I’ve been thinking, lately, about the phrase, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” This isn’t an exact quotation from the Book of Luke, but it’s the meaning. And then, I’ve been noticing people in the news who have been given much, and how they’ve used this gift. I’ve been disappointed that those […]

Those Pesky Thoughts
The Bible says we are supposed to take every thought captive. That isn’t an easy thing to do. With so much that is pleasant and positive, so much love in the world, why do I (and, I suspect, a great many of us) let negative thoughts creep in? Sad to say, the older I get, […]
The Older I Get
·The older I get…the more I value family and friends and life and the less concerned I am about surface stuff, …the more I appreciate old values, old friends, old remedies to ills, physical and emotional, and spiritual. […]
When You Don’t Know What To Do
·When you don’t know what to do about any situation, do what you do know. In other words, stay busy! This morning, snow is stuck on houses and cars, just a little, not much. Not enough to be pretty. The trees are amber and black, grass is rather dreary. In other words, it’s a blah […]

As I Sit Here, Thinking
·As I sit here, thinking this morning about this and that, sipping my coffee, I’m rather amazed that I got here so fast. By “here”, I mean this stage of life. Sometimes, I try to make sense of it all. Do you do that too, when your house is quiet and you’re alone with your […]