In many countries, this is Boxing Day. This special day after Christmas is a tradition started by elite Britishers of giving gifts to those who serve them throughout the year. The gifts are boxed and I suppose that’s where the name comes from. This is also St. Stephen’s Day, in honor of the first Christian […]

The Monster in the Little Black Box
·An ongoing mystery: why does Nemo sit beside me when I’m at the computer, looking up at me hopefully, breathing his hot, aromatic breath on me, and staring at the black back-up box on the floor. He doesn’t want me sitting here. He dislikes this computer or the back-up box and I don’t know why. […]

Ahead of Yourself
·Don’t get ahead of yourself. Have you ever heard that phrase? I’ve been thinking a lot about it this morning. To me, it means thinking or fearing something may be true or will happen. It applies to me. In this period in America, it’s easy to over-think, to wonder and worry, not only about the […]
As the Morning Begins
·As the morning begins and stirs to life, I listen to the distant sound of tires on the interstate and imagine people rushing to jobs. The school bus comes down the hill, carrying a cargo of lively children off to begin their second week of school. Leaves nod and stir as a squirrel jumps from […]
A Hygge a Day
·I learned a new word the other day: hygge. If you’d like to read more about it, it’s in The Farmer’s Almanac. Just click on the link. The word comes to us from Denmark, which has long, cold, dark winters. Just as a friendly hug warms the heart, so does the Norwegian hygge. They dress […]
Gum On My Shoe
·We have ears to hear and eyes to see and a mind to be cluttered with stuff we could have lived without. Do you ever read something and wish you’d never read it? But, you did. And, there it is, stuck in your mind like a piece of gum to the bottom of your shoe. […]