There’s a mystery about the soft, summer night, just after the sun goes down, before full darkness tiptoes through. Leaves stir with a passing breeze and flowers lift their heads to feel one last ray of the sun’s warmth. The rabbit who lives under my storage building gives last minute instructions to her nest of […]

Splintered Thoughts
·Do you ever experience a certain tune running through your head and it not only runs through, but it stops and stays a while? I do, quite often. Music has always been a big part of my life and it continues to be, from way, way back to earliest memories. I’ve always thought that what […]

·There seems to be a let-down feeling after a holiday, at least, that’s the way it seems to me. This morning is chilly, temp in low forties, and Easter has come and gone. The trees, however, wear gowns of light green, grass is green, and birds are busy. So, no matter the feeling, spring is […]

Those Decisions
·John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough defeated the French and Bavarians on August 2, 1704. Today, how many people know or care? But, if you were the Duke or his British soldiers at that time, you cared a lot! If any one individual was ever the inspiration for stories of intrigue, mystery, action, or romance, it […]
Early Morning
·It’s such a wonderful early morning. The street is clear of snow but snow still carpets lawns and roofs. Winter trees stand out, black and brown against the white, their branches woven in intricate embroidery. All is quiet. Not a car, not a person in sight. Not even an early-rising squirrel. Contrasts–black on white, stillness […]

Boon or Bane
·Boon or bane–the “what if” game. A writer spins a story around that small phrase, “what if”. It sounds like the fall from a cliff was an accident, but what if he was pushed? In her will, she left everything to her niece, but what if there was a later will? All these suppositions could […]