The Bible says we are supposed to take every thought captive. That would be really a good thing to do, but it isn’t an easy thing. With so much that is pleasant and positive, so much love in the world, why do I (and, I suspect, a great many of us) let negative thoughts creep […]

Someone Other Than Yourself
·Did you ever say something and, as soon as it was out of your mouth, wondered if that was you who said it? It sure didn’t sound like you; it sounded like someone else. Or, acted in a certain way and, looking back, couldn’t believe you had done that? Surely, it was someone other than […]

Furry Friends and Thoughts of Fall
·The furry friend I’m talking about is Nemo. An ongoing mystery: why does he sit beside me when I’m at the computer, looking up at me hopefully, breathing his hot, aromatic breath on me, and staring at the black back-up box on the floor. He doesn’t want me sitting here. He dislikes this computer and […]

Sometimes I’m Happy; Sometimes, I’m Blue
·Remember the old song, “Sometimes I’m Happy, sometimes I’m blue. My disposition depends on you?” My blog post this morning is going to be a discussion of moods and what causes them. Are you ready? What makes you happy? What makes you blue? Does your disposition really depend upon another person, as Sarah Vaughan sings? […]

Some Place to Go, Something to Do
·I’ve never seen this before! A group of four doves ambles slowly across the driveway. Do they have some place to go? Do they have a chore in mind? Are they looking for something? I hope they know there are cats in the neighborhood and are watchful. And, I? Do I have some place to […]

Saying Good Morning to an Early June Day
·What is there about an early spring morning before the sun comes up, when the grass is soggy with yesterday’s rain? The air is hushed and listening for the robin’s song and the dove’s call to announce a new beginning. Leaves are still except when the whisper of a breeze stirs them. The wonder of […]