Just think of it–when a person reaches my age, what a large amount of experiences and wisdom she has gained! Each marvelous bit finds a little nook or cranny in the brain and lodges there. Imagine this: a bookshelf over-flowing with knowledge, wisdom, trivia, know-how. Fairly boggles the mind, doesn’t it? I’d like to share this plethora […]

Over the Back Yard Fence
Feelings are aired and problems are shared over the back yard fence. Do we need fewer privacy fences and more of the picket and chain link variety? Just a thought. Privacy fences are good for–well–privacy. The other kind is good for getting to know your neighbor. Yesterday, Peg and I happened to be in our […]

Not a Malady, But Maybe a Syndrome
·I looked up the word syndrome in the thesaurus and it doesn’t sound like a good thing to have, sort of like the flu. I beg to differ with its definition of malady. Rather, I think the word syndrome means a symptom or a defining characteristic. That description sounds much better to me. So, let me tell […]

Homemade Bread Sticks and Apron Pockets
·A pan of homemade bread sticks sits in my refrigerator. Closer to lunch time, I’ll take them out, let them rise about half an hour, and bake them. They should go well with homemade lasagna. Since this was my first time to attempt bread sticks, I have my fingers crossed. If they turn out delicious, […]

Just Between You and Me and the Fencepost
Pour a cup of your favorite brew, sit down at your computer, and let’s chat about a few things. This is just between you and me and the fencepost, so I don’t expect to make any profound statements or start an argument, I’m just saying this is how I see the world, from my viewpoint […]

The Thief of Time
·Who is this thief of time, that robs us of the ones we love? This morning, I woke up thinking about time–how fleeting it is. Maybe it’s because of another new year starting; maybe it’s just that something–a memory, a conversation, a passage in a book brings to mind the rush and hurry of time passing, […]