Today is the birthday of A. A. Milne, creator of the beloved Winnie the Pooh series. His was an interesting life and, wonder of wonders, he was able to support himself and his family through his writing, almost right away. His story tells of his inspiration to create the poems and stories, the memorable […]

This and That on Thursday
·My thoughts are scattered this morning. I blame it on the before-Christmas-rush. The sky is blue, sun is shining, and the rain has stopped. It’s six days before Christmas and I’m trying to finish a few last-minute things. I’m convinced I should have started getting ready for Christmas in July. In fact, I meant to […]

Thoughts for a Chilly Thursday
·Some mornings, even a hot cup of strong coffee has a hard time making inroads. This is one of those mornings. Maybe it’s the thought of a coming snowstorm and the inclination to hibernate. Whatever is causing it, I am slow on getting started with the morning. Nemo has the right idea. He has […]

Tuesday Morning Thoughts
·One of the hard things about finishing a book is keeping hands off while the dust settles. Do you know what I mean? I have a tendency to go over and over the manuscript, adding a word, taking out a phrase, just picking at it when actually, I should give it and my mind […]

Coming to Grips with Life
·Yesterday, I attended a funeral and it was, as funerals are wont to be, sobering and reflective, and a tribute to the one who had lived life and moved on. This was of a young man I had watched grow up. As I listened to the songs and heard the eulogy, I remembered long ago […]

Michael the Monster Is Coming
It is cloudy and warm in NW Arkansas this morning, but a change is coming. Storms are forecast for the afternoon and tomorrow, much cooler. Would you believe that by Monday, we may have a frost? But, hey! This is nothing compared to what the panhandle of Florida and Alabama have to look forward […]