A person’s thoughts are never really idle–disconnected, maybe, scattered here and there. That’s what mine are this morning. I look out at my wet, soggy ground and wonder if I’ll have a chance to get the last of my herbs planted today. Yesterday was a wild weather day. Wind lashed the trees and rain poured […]
Thoughts and Sifting Through
Do you ever wake up with a thought or a song running through your head? I do, quite often. It’s nice when those thoughts are positive, not so nice when they aren’t. What are they related to? Why do we have them? I don’t know the answers, but I wish I did. Spring inspires […]

Thoughts on Reaching a Milestone
Sometimes, a person reaches a milestone and just sitting down on it for a rest and a think seems to be in order. I’ve covered a good many miles before reaching this thinking spot–more miles behind than there are in front, to be sure, and I ask myself what I’ve accomplished and what, […]

Reflections of Eden
·The rain stopped a few minutes ago, but the sky is still dark and I’m wondering if there’s more. When storms come, whether they be rain or wintry storms, I think about those who are homeless and wish better things for them–comfort and safety, a warm and dry place to be. I wish that […]

What in the World Were You Thinking?
Thoughts–the invisible navigators that guide our days. It isn’t hard for negative, fearful thoughts to creep in, set up camp, and take over. Why is it that those things which make us feel depressed or angry or sad seem to be always at the door, ready to barge in without even an invitation? Scripture […]