A Noble Steed

A Noble Steed

A noble steed stands regally in my living room. He is truly regal in every sense of the word because he is: honest, he doesn’t claim to be more than he is, an humble, hand-made rocking horse; dignified, no matter what indignities he endures, the teeth of a mettlesome puppy, a youngster who decides he […]

A Friend for the Journey

A Friend for the Journey

In my herb garden, right next to the Etta Bend rock, I have a sun dial. I’ve had it for years. On it is an inscription from a poem by Robert Browning, “Grow Old Along With Me; The Best Is Yet To Be.” I’ve always liked that line. I suppose that Robert and Elizabeth Barrett […]

Antique Little Girls

Antique Little Girls

In one corner of my family room, next to the fireplace, I have a cradle, several dolls, a rocking chair, some more dolls, and a table with old-fashioned, out-of-date, never-read-any-more children’s books. Book titles such as The Adventures of Johnny Chuck by Thornton W. Burgess, Raggedy Andy Stories, and Snip, Snap, and Snurr and the Big Farm by Maj Lindman. Never […]

Much More Than It Appears

Much More Than It Appears

At first glance, it is just a rock, albeit quite an interesting one. It is perhaps six inches high, maybe 22 inches around it. However, you’ve got to understand that I’m pretty terrible with estimating distances, sizes, or what direction I’m traveling. This rock is here in Arkansas in my herb garden but that’s not […]

Loaded Down

Loaded Down

The Lord is sending us the blessing of rain. Weather lore or not, I think this is highly unusual for the month of July. Like the song, There Shall Be Showers of Blessing, we are getting those showers in abundance. The flowers and limbs of trees are bowing their heads under the weight of water. Which reminds […]

Got Any Giants?

“Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible. He can do things others cannot do.”                         –Author Unknown That little chorus is running through my mind this morning. Many of us learned […]