Ah, November. Ah, November rain! Yesterday morning’s rain was brief and the day turned mostly clear and chilly. This morning, however, the rain sounds like it means business. So, I started thinking about things having to do with November and fall and rain. I don’t notice it so much here in town but at Manos […]
It Was a Wet November Morning
·The sun still hasn’t managed to tip the treetops. Somewhere in the east, it is slowly making its way to the horizon but it isn’t there yet. And, although the weatherman says rain won’t move in ’til tonight, something wet is falling from the sky. It isn’t snow, sleet, hail, or oobleck. By the way, […]
Warming My Heart
When the pre-dawn darkness gives way to light this morning, I’ll dread looking at my maple. It has been the most beautiful this year that I remember it ever being. But, alas! After today, its gorgeous leaves will be mostly on the ground. I couldn’t believe the forecast yesterday–the temperature was in the 60s–that tonight […]
Christmas in November
Yesterday I attended Fran’s monthly luncheon. It is always a warm, happy time of friends getting together but yesterday was even more special. Norma came from Tahlequah and went with me. So Norma, Jane, Peg, and I motored over to Fran’s together, visiting with each other (actually, chattering away like girls) all the way there […]
Thoughts on God’s World
·A cup of hot caramel drizzle coffee sits on my desk and my dog sits at my feet. The morning is quiet and dark. A few solar lights across the street and in my container garden are exclamation points of brightness, and I am reminded on this first day of November, of how blessed I […]
A Writer’s Inspiration
·A few days ago, one of the questions on a writers’ Facebook page was, What do you do to get unstuck from a writer’s block? My answer was I simply wrote. Darcy and Flora took over, I recorded their conversation and activities and voila! I was unstuck. There’s something else that gets me in the […]