The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend, a story my mother told me about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. Mom told me this story and I wrote it to be included in The Heritage of Etta Bend in 1989. It was spring, […]

The Golden Light at the End of the Day
·There’s something about the late afternoon, just before the supper hour, when the day is winding down and the light lies golden and still through the windows. There’s a hush, a silence in empty rooms, a quiet acceptance that the day is over and soon the sun will slip beneath the horizon. Memories return […]

Being Aware of August
·Happy first day of August! Did you know that today, August 1, is National Girlfriends’ Day, National Mountain Climbing Day, and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day? The whole month is Admit You’re Happy Month, and this first week of August is Simplify Your Life Week. Pretty interesting month, isn’t it? This month was named […]

A Wonderful, Ordinary Day
Things are back to normal, more or less. Nemo’s surgery went well; he’s home and we are following the veterinarian’s directions. He limps a lot but his foot is securely bandaged. When he goes outside, he has to wear a plastic sleeve to keep dampness off the bandage. He wags his tail, is happy to […]

Is Summer in Your Soul?
“For him in vain the envious seasons roll Who bears eternal summer in his soul.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Old Player Is summer in your soul? Is it in mine? I mean the best parts of summer–barefoot days, bees busy in the clover, blue skies studded with white puffs of clouds. I’d like to keep […]

More Than a Coal of Fire
·“What did you come for, a coal of fire?” my dad used to ask if I breezed in and out of my parents’ home for just a short visit. What he meant was, he wished I’d sit down and talk for a bit. Once, long ago, people would borrow coals of fire to get their […]