Happy first day of fall. In kindergarten rooms across the nation, I’m thinking there are changes. A fall decoration, doubtless, adorns the door. Inside, children and teacher step into a new unit on autumn. I enjoyed teaching math, science, reading, and art in units. The children and I would look for signs that the season […]
Shadow on a Rock
·Are you all ready for a reprise of one of my spur of the moment mysteries? With school starting, I’m in a bookish mood, and since I’m a retired school teacher, well, here it is…a re-run of the first Miss Georgia mystery: Miss Georgia Lee closed her valise with a snap. Standing up from her […]

Shadow on the Rock, Chapter 4
·Chapter Four, Shadow on the Rock Miss Georgia knocked on the Stone’s door and heard muttered exclamations inside. She was sure neither James Stone nor his wife was expecting anybody to drop by this late. James opened the door in overalls, shirt, and bare feet. It seemed strange not to see him dressed to the […]

Things My Mama Taught Me
·All the good things that I believe and am, came from my parents. And the not-so-good? Well, I’ve managed those things on my own. This morning I was thinking about things my mother taught me. I had never really tried to itemize them, they were just there. To list them would be like trying […]

Books to Cut Their Teeth On
·I ended that title with a preposition but it sounds stilted to say, “Books on which to cut their teeth.” Don’t you think? Anyway, sometimes what with all the iPads and tablets and laptops, I fear for the good, old-fashioned books, especially children’s books. That is, I fear until I go into a […]

Does It Have to End Here?
·Does the Story Have to End? The following is by a guest blogger, my sister-in-law Linda Day. This was published a few years ago, but it’s always fresh and new. Haven’t we all felt this way? Reading wasn’t always an enjoyable pastime. Being a tomboy and growing up in a rural area, more interesting adventures […]