I looked up the word syndrome in the thesaurus and it doesn’t sound like a good thing to have, sort of like the flu. I beg to differ with its definition of malady. Rather, I think the word syndrome means a symptom or a defining characteristic. That description sounds much better to me. So, let me tell […]

A Furtive Glance at the What If Syndrome
·Mystery writers are afflicted by it. Suspicious minds feed upon it. Looking back, we wonder about it. But, it enhances life, doesn’t it? The “what if” syndrome–what if you had made a different decision, been a little wiser, taken a chance more often, been more thoughtful, prepared for the future better, been a little kinder […]

The Mother Hen Syndrome
I looked up the word syndrome in the thesaurus and it doesn’t sound like a good thing to have, sort of like the flu. I beg to differ with the definition of malady. Rather, I think the word syndrome means a symptom or a defining characteristic. That description sounds much better to me. However it is defined, […]