Chapter 15 For the next few minutes, pandemonium reigned. Smudge Littleton, the victim of the shovel, lay stretched on the ground. The other man sat flat beside the trench they’d dug, holding his head and moaning, while Abigail kept a second rock at the ready. “Everything is in hand now, ladies,” Monroe said. “I […]
A Little Bit of Gossip
·Chapter 4 Miss Georgia surely did enjoy her Sunday School class of women, all of them being about her and Abigail’s age. If truth be known, she particularly enjoyed the socializing that took place before Priss Butters began to expound the Scriptures. Before Miss Georgia joined the class, Abigail said, things were a lot […]

Opals and Marigolds
·Lucky you, if you have an October birthday. Your birthstone is an opal and your two flowers are marigold and cosmos. Cooler air is arriving right on time. It’s cooler this morning and maybe, just maybe, a first frost tonight? Brrr. Wasn’t it only yesterday that temps reached eighty degrees? Fall always puts me in […]

The Menace in the Middle
·Do the first lines of a new book tell you whether you want to read the whole thing? First lines are important. So are final lines, but how about the middle? The middle of a mystery is important too. These are middle lines from my seven cozy mysteries. Can you identify the book each is […]

Free Book Greets Summer
·Today is the first day of summer! Enjoy these warm, lovely days even more with a shivery cozy mystery. Grave Heritage, the fourth cozy in the Darcy and Flora series, is free today and tomorrow. It’s the rainiest July in Levi, Oklahoma’s history. A stranger in town is murdered. Darcy and Flora’s lives are threatened. […]

A Close Encounter of the Scary Kind
·In case you’ve forgotten The Cemetery Club, here’s part of an exciting chapter. We find Darcy and her mother Flora driving east toward Fayetteville during a rainstorm. The highway is deserted…or so they think. As we crossed the Ventris River Bridge, rain came down harder. Switching my wiper speed to “fast,” I made sure the […]