I got out of my car. The place looked deserted but as I approached the nearer house, a tall, bony dog appeared around the corner. It growled. I stopped. The animal didn’t look in the least friendly. It bared its teeth, snarled and started toward me. Everything I had ever read about unfriendly dogs […]

Jan 10, 2023
Who Said Owls?
·Lying in bed that night with the breeze fanning my face, I began to relax. The cool air felt as soothing as my mother’s hand when, in younger years, I was sick with a fever. Sighing, I burrowed into my pillow. Sleep vanished as a sound penetrated my consciousness. I sat bolt upright. What had […]

Nov 17, 2022
·I had stopped shaking by the time I reached home. In the comfort of my living room, normalcy began to return. Ulysses licked my hand, grinning a hound dog welcome, and Penny looked up from her cushion. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was safe. I was home, and now I could try to […]