I went to the store this morning, meaning to make a quick dash in for only a couple of items. As I rolled my cart by the candy aisle, I, of course, paused and remembered that my candy dish was empty. As I surveyed all the tempting items, a little, white-haired lady stopped and eyed […]
Quietness All Around
·It’s awfully quiet in my little corner of the world this morning. A small breeze stirs the maple leaves. Nemo snoozes, the refrigerator clicks on, and even the birds are still. The dog walker strides up the hill, her furry, four-legged charge trotting to keep up. Yesterday afternoon, the quiet was broken with a rumble […]

Mighty Mullein
·I see it growing beside highways and in the woods. I never thought about it being particularly important because it looks like a weed. It’s leaves are a soft, blurry kind of gray-green and its bloom pods have tiny yellow flowers and not many of them blossom at the same time. It goes by the […]