My granddaughter gave me a suncatcher. It is an ordinary pink glass dragonfly with an extraordinarily long tail. At the end of that tail is a small prism. I hung the suncatcher in my window and forgot it was there. Until one day as I was going about my chores, I noticed a rainbow on […]
Summer Cat
·Lazy Summer by Blanche Manos Slumber softly, summer cat, Dozing in the sunbeams, Needing neither rhyme nor reason To be one with the season, Tawny, yawny, warm and mellow, Sun-drenched days and cat of yellow, Loving lazy daydreams.
Above the Clouds
·Tuesday Morning Thoughts People in Florida and in other places where Hurricane Ian left its mark have had way too much rain and flooding and heartache. Probably, to many, it looks as if they’ll never rise above the calamity. They are brave in facing what needs to be done and doing it. Many people are […]

Lazy Summer
·Lazy Summer by Blanche Manos Slumber softly, summer cat, Dozing in the sunbeams, Needing neither rhyme nor reason To be one with the season, Tawny, yawny, warm and mellow, Sun-drenched days and cat of yellow, Loving lazy daydreams.

Sunshine in My Pocket
·Have you ever wished you could carry an emergency supply of sunshine in your pocket? You know, just enough to brighten the day when the clouds come? Or, carry some happiness left over from another time, to overcome any wayward feelings of sadness? This morning is a bright, sunshiny day. A little frost whitens roofs […]

Good Days, Bad Days
·This is the first day of school for many Arkansas children. Once again, I see them trudging up the hill, or hurrying along, backpacks in place, to catch the bus. It has been a long vacation, an enforced vacation, and it wasn’t all that great. I hope it is a good day for them and […]