Hope and Tomorrow

When night closes in, what would we do without the hope of tomorrow? As the sun slides westward, another day with its troubles and puzzles comes to a close, but tomorrow will be a brand new day. Perhaps problems will be solved or on the way to being solved–tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow the homeless man asking […]

Darkness Before Dawn

Darkness Before Dawn

Do you ever wake in the darkness before dawn and lie in bed, just thinking? Those hours waiting for sunrise have been written about by many people. It’s in those moments that thoughts, both good and bad, come creeping. Things that we suppress during the day find this is a good time to keep us […]



“My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning” (Psalm 130:6). Something about sunrise and mornings brings hope. I believe it is related to a life force within us that rises, like the mercury in a thermometer, with each new day. As I read that verse from Psalm 130, I […]