Ne’er Trust a July Sky. Why? Probably because a day that starts sunny could cloud up and be a rainy day within a short time. Planning a picnic? Good, but bring an umbrella just in case. July. Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends. It’s a good day to remember heritage and country and […]
Summer Cat
·Lazy Summer by Blanche Manos Slumber softly, summer cat, Dozing in the sunbeams, Needing neither rhyme nor reason To be one with the season, Tawny, yawny, warm and mellow, Sun-drenched days and cat of yellow, Loving lazy daydreams.
That Tiny Varmint
·It Happened One Summer by Blanche Day Manos All Rights Belong to the Author In my neck of the woods, everything gets ornery in the summertime. Critters, humans, even bugs are easy riled. There’s nothing like the heat of a white-orange sun blazing down from a copper-colored sky to make varmints out of the most […]

Cicada Summer
There he was, stuck to the screen of my door. What was he doing? Thinking? Doubtful. I hear him, these summer nights; he and his family and friends tune up in the darkness, singing their summertime songs, filling the night with their grating sound. All my life, I called them jar flies, and it was […]

Not Even a Whisper
·There’s not even a whisper of a breeze this morning. When I stepped out on the deck, the boards under my feet felt warm. Everything is hushed and still, as if nature is holding its breath. The sun isn’t up yet, but the birds are. Blackbirds have sort of taken over my back yard. There’s […]

How About Your Soul?
·June is a summer month, but, all too soon, the warm, lazy days of summer will pass and the chilly winds of autumn will be upon us. I hope I can keep the warmth of summer in my soul, though, to remember when darkness comes early and the flowers fade. And, imagination–the spirit that can’t […]