This morning, Nemo and I took my cup of coffee to the deck (actually, I took the coffee, Nemo just took his magnificent self) and sat down to contemplate the complexities of the world. The most pressing question was Why was a certain robin sitting on the edge of the birdbath for such a long […]
August Morning
·Watering plants on an early August morning has its rewards–for example, it’s the coolest time of the whole day! As I watch water stream from the hose into the thirsty ground, a school child dashes up the hill to catch his bus. Another child walks down the hill to catch a different bus. Is she […]
Summer Cat
A cat knows how to make the most of any season and, in particular, summer.
A Summer Morning
Watering herbs and flowers on a summer morning has its own rewards. In the first place, mornings are cool and quiet. In the second place, being near herbs is reward in itself. They smell wonderful. This past spring, I planted an array of herbs in a large planter. They loved it there and thrived. Sage, […]

And Here Is August
Good morning all you August people (and everyone else). If you have an August birthday, you were born in an interesting month–a month with a history. To start with, it was once called Sextilis and was the sixth month. Then, along came powerful Augustus Caesar. It was renamed August in the year 8 B.C. The […]
Rainy Sunday
It is a wonderful thing to wake up to the sound of rain, especially in July. This is a wet, cool morning, especially welcome because it’s in the middle of summer. My little garden in front is saying, Thank You. I know this because the flowers are lifting their heads, looking refreshed and revived. The […]