A friend of mine is getting ready to move to a different location. She is going through everything in her house, deciding what she wants and what she doesn’t want. I don’t think she has an attic, but if she did, she’d be sorting through it, keeping, discarding. Why can’t we do that with memories? […]

Failure Is a Stepping Stone, Not a Destination
·“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” Sir Winston Churchill. I’ve been thinking about defeat and what is considered being defeated or failing and what is considered being a success or successful. By the time a person reaches my age, she or he has probably succeeded […]

That Dangerous State of Affairs, Retirement
Retirement–that longed-for Utopian state for which I worked for decades. Lovely, unhurried mornings, peaceful, sunny days of travel, visiting coffee shops. Plenty of time for cleaning a house and keeping it sparkling, baking cookies, taking long walks. And, oh, my goodness, all that accumulated wisdom. Just a whole headful of good advice gleaned from years of […]

Sometimes I’m Happy; Sometimes, I’m Blue
·Remember the old song, “Sometimes I’m Happy, sometimes I’m blue. My disposition depends on you?” My blog post this morning is going to be a discussion of moods and what causes them. Are you ready? What makes you happy? What makes you blue? Does your disposition really depend upon another person, as Sarah Vaughan sings? […]