Are you feeling a-wash this morning? All at sea? Here’s a repeat of someone you might sympathize with. Pete the peg-legged pirate lived on the sea. He had a wooden leg beginning just below his knee. A bright and mouthy parrot sat upon his shoulder Who was at least as old as Pete or maybe […]

An Open Book?
·Sometimes, I think of life as a story that’s being told. Parts of it might be exciting, parts of it, sad. Parts of fun and parts are painful. Life is not all one thing. Mysteries, tragedies, humor, romance, adventure, and just day-to-day living are all a part of this life story. I don’t think it’s […]
Put On Your Imagination
·I took a warm, heavy sweater with me when I boarded the plane to Ireland and when I got back home, I hung that sweater in my closet and forgot it was there—until the next year, on St. Patrick’s Day. That year, St. Pat’s was a chilly day. Rummaging in my closet, I pullled out […]
Chapter 4, Shadow on the Rock
·Looking back on that night later, Miss Georgia was never quite sure how she and Jase Marshall made it through. She remembered spreading a sheet on the sofa and coaxing and lifting and supporting the wounded man until he plopped down with a loud sigh. She cut off his shirt where blood had dried and […]