It was a dark and stormy afternoon. Rain beat against the deck. Lightning flashed and thunder rattled the windows. Within the dining room, four women sat around an antique dining table, sipping coffee and munching chocolate. They spoke in hushed voices, almost as if they were afraid they would be overheard although they were the […]
Storm Warning
Last night I was treated to a light show that only nature could provide. A thunderstorm was in progress and, even if I hadn’t seen the warning on the computer, I would have had a pretty good idea that it was a doozy. Thunder crackled and boomed and rain splatted on the deck. It was […]
A dark, rainy morning. Thankfully, we’ve missed the vicious storms that hit Iowa and other places. My heart goes out to those people. A robin is cheerfully proclaiming a new day, maybe thinking of all the earthworms that will come tunneling to the top to keep from being drowned. As a hard shower started a […]
Stormy Weather
After a stormy night and early morning, the sun comes up on a wet, windy world. Spring and storms sort of go together in these parts. Thankful for the rain, we could also do without the damaging wind and hail. But, what to do about it? Not one thing, except be aware and be as […]
Help and Courage
This is the second and final installment of my May 5, 1985 Daily Press article about the tornado which destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma on May 2, 1920. This was 104 years ago but it’s a part of history that shouldn’t be forgotten. In 1920, Walter Neel lived with his parents, brothers and sisters on the Gid […]

A Squirrely Problem
·This is a soggy morning after a rip-roarin’ wet night (or was it in the wee, small hours of the morning?) The eaves are dripping, the wet pavement glistens, and in the back yard, a cardinal enjoys a quiet breakfast, unhampered by squirrels. Yesterday, I hung my new squirrel-proof bird feeder and it works! The […]