There’s an old song, After the Ball Is Over; well, the two free days of Moonlight Can Be Murder ended at midnight last night. It was a huge success! I can hardly wait for my publisher to tell me how many books went out and to what areas. Thank you for downloading. I feel […]

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
·It was indeed a dark and stormy night last night. Not once, not twice, but three times, the storms woke me. I should say they woke Nemo who then woke me. He has developed a sensitivity to storms that borders on panic. And, when panic takes over, there’s no reasoning with him. But, we made […]

Seeking Refuge from the Storms
The approaching hurricane is occupying my thoughts. How bad will it be? How soon will it hit? Please, Lord, keep everyone safe. I hadn’t realized I had so many family and friends in Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia. But, I do. I hope they and everyone else remain out of the reach of […]

An Angry Sky Over Our Heads
My brother, niece, and I spent the weekend at our parents’ and grandparents’ home in Oklahoma. My brother, whose home was now Minnesota, longed to hear a good old Oklahoma thunderstorm and be lulled to sleep by the patter of raindrops on the roof. Since rain was in the forecast, I told him this was entirely […]

Winds of Change: Conclusion
This is the second and final installment of my May 5, 1985 Daily Press article about the tornado which destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma on May 2, 1920. In 1920, Walter Neel lived with his parents, brothers and sisters on the Gid Morgan farm, two and a fourth miles southeast of Peggs. The storm went a mile […]