Tell Me a Story

Tell Me a Story

Tell me a story. Even now, many years later ( I mean many years) I can remember following my mom around, asking her to tell me another story. I was too young to read, so how I can remember back that many decades, I don’t know, but I still remember the absolute joy of snuggling […]

Conclusion–The Christmas Barn

Conclusion–The Christmas Barn

The cold wind blew their leaves away. The three friends shivered and wished for day. “We can’t just do nothing,” the raccoon said. “Come on, squirrel and chipmunk. Let’s go  a bit farther. Maybe we’ll find food.”      Sighing, the squirrel straightened up and took Chipmunk’s hand. On they went, through the cold night. They […]

The Haunted House

The Haunted House

Chapter 4 James Stone did most of the talking the next day, as he drove into town. Both Miss Georgia and Abigail were busy with their own thoughts. He boasted about his brand new Lincoln car and, truth be told, Miss Georgia found it to be much more comfortable that riding in a wagon. James […]

The Time Tunnel

The Time Tunnel

  A Post reprinted from last year. Go with me this morning on a journey–not so far in miles, but a great distance in time and quite a giant leap in imagination. We’re going to struggle through years of wild undergrowth–bushes, weeds, grape vines, wild rose bushes, blackberry briars, giant oaks, and we’ll stop at […]

The Ticking of a Clock

The Ticking of a Clock

  When I hear a clock ticking, I go back a few decades and find myself in Ma and Pappy Latty’s house. They always had a wind-up clock and I can remember how the sound meant peace and security for me. I can see my grandparents’ living room, sun coming through the windows, and feel […]

Is That All?

Is That All?

I thought you might enjoy this from six years ago. Yesterday was a day of unfolding stories and learning how some stories ended. I saw and talked with  three friends from completely different backgrounds and different walks in life. I don’t see them often; in fact, I haven’t seen a couple of them in years. I caught up […]