Did you ever say hello to a groundhog? I did once and the result was unbelievable. You see, a groundhog lived under the garage at my house. I tried everything I could think of to make her realize she needed to find a new place to live. I mean, who wants tunnels and holes under […]
The Groundhog and Me
Spinning Words
Where do they come from, those words that mystery writers spin into stories? Do we catch them like butterflies netted as they fly through the air? Do we snatch them from conversations of friends or winnow them from long ago memories? How can these words be spun into sentences and paragraphs and a story that […]

The Christmas Barn
This is a repeat from last year. I hope you enjoy it. The Christmas Barn The 200-year old barn was empty and lonely. No longer did horses stamp their feet inside his walls; cows didn’t warm the stalls with their breath; no sheep snuggled against each other to sleep the night away. The barn […]

Little House
A touch of whimsy this morning, perhaps brought on by September ending. There’s a little house in a shady wood ‘Neath a sheltering great oak tree; It’s a secret place that’s hid away That nobody knows, but me. But if you were to peek inside, You’d find a welcome there With a cup of tea […]
A Past Day with Cozy Critters
Sometimes, it’s nice to look back and remember some particularly good times. When the Cozy Critters got together, there were good times a-plenty. This is a remembrance of one of those times, a few years ago. Good friends, all. When four friends meet on a fall day, bringing with them their outlooks on life, the […]
Letter from Nemo
A few years ago, Nemo had ear surgery to remove some polyps. This was a letter he wrote then (remember, I’m a writer and writers make things up.) I thought you might enjoy re-reading. No, he has had no more ear surgery since, so he’s glad and so am I. So, here I sit! It’s […]