Nemo and the Squirrels

A Ballad I’m a noble watchdog, valiant and kind,                                                                                              […]

Rain and Dreams and Things

Rain and Dreams and Things

It’s raining this morning. The temperature is above freezing, so that’s good. Why does one dream? More particularly, why does one dream about a professor in college one hasn’t thought about for decades? Last night, Dr. Clayton, one of my business professor, was in my dream. I was talking to someone about, of all things, […]



Imagination is a wonderful thing, a mystery.  It can take you anywhere, to any place, at any time. Children know this. Teachers of young children know this. So do moms and grandmas.  One of the things I miss most of all, since my son was grown a long time ago, my grandchildren are long past […]

Craziness Is Contagious

Craziness Is Contagious

I’ve never seen a squirrel behave like the little fellow in my front yard this morning. Maybe he was from this year’s crop of new squirrels and was just realizing what fun it is to be alive. Maybe he had gotten hold of an especially spicy and invigorating breakfast. Some of the squirrels munch on […]

My Backyard in Winter

My Backyard in Winter

My backyard in winter is not at all the same as it is in spring or summer, but it is far from being a barren, empty place. First, there are the winter birds. They know when sunflower seeds are in the feeder and they flock to snatch some of the oil-rich food before it is […]

Wandering, Fall-like Thoughts on a Chilly Morning

Wandering, Fall-like Thoughts on a Chilly Morning

It is chilly this morning! Temperature is only in the sixties. Some of the leaves are actually starting to change color. I read somewhere that it isn’t frost but amount of sunshine or the length of the day that causes them to change. Anyway, fall always reminds me of some of my favorite poems, this […]