Little House

Little House

A touch of whimsy this morning, perhaps brought on by September ending. There’s a little house in a shady wood ‘Neath a sheltering great oak tree; It’s a secret place that’s hid away That nobody knows, but me. But if you were to peek inside,  You’d find a welcome there With a cup of tea […]

Drooping a Little

Drooping a Little

An early bird robin is on my front lawn. He runs a few feet, stops, and listens, looking for those early worms. He’s not as bright and shiny as he was in April. This time of year, robins have cared for one or two nests of babies and it’s a tiring business. However, he keeps […]

Sunshine in My Pocket

Sunshine in My Pocket

Have you ever wished you could carry an emergency supply of sunshine in your pocket? You know, just enough to brighten the day when the clouds come? Or, carry some happiness left over from another time, to overcome any wayward feelings of sadness?  This morning is a bright, sunshiny day. A little frost whitens roofs […]

Nemo Versus Squirrel

I’m a devoted watchdog, valiant and kind                                                                                                 […]

Nemo Says…

Nemo Says…

Two years ago, Nemo had foot surgery. He didn’t like it, but he bore it with fortitude, hoping for a time when he could jump around on all four feet again.  Nemo has taught me a lot of valuable things: love whole-heartedly, awake each day with no worries from yesterday (except for that miserable foot),  […]

Spring’s Last Fling

Spring’s Last Fling

Do you know what today is? It’s the last day of spring 2020! Tomorrow, summer begins. So, we should celebrate, have a spring fling, throw a virtual party, or something. Me? Well, tomorrow and Sunday, I’ll celebrate summer’s arrival by offering one of the Darcy and Flora books free from Amazon! Watch for it. I’ve […]