Happy first day of winter and the shortest day of the year! For those of you who are counting (and I know you are out there) the days will very slowly begin to lengthen now until around March 21, they’ll be equal in length to the nights again. Isn’t that great? My mother didn’t like […]
What Do You Think?
·So, what do you think they are–those mysterious drones that are appearing in swarms over many of our northeastern states? Isn’t it strange that no one knows what their purpose is or where they came from? It seems odd to me that if anyone does know, they aren’t saying. That’s just one of the puzzling […]
What Nemo Has Taught Me
In these fourteen years, I like to think I’ve taught Nemo a lot but I know for sure, that he has taught me more! Food is good. Enjoy it! But try to remember, it’s best to chew before swallowing. Relaxation is also good for mind and spirit and legs; be prepared to relax […]
November Morning
It is really looking like fall this morning. The maples in front and back yards are almost bare of leaves. Those that are left are a pale orange against the backdrop of dark limbs. The yard is carpeted in those leaves and this morning, they are soggy. Yes! We’ve had more much-needed, wonderful rain. I’m […]

White Flies and Ladybugs
The maple in front of my living room window is alive with activity–a breeze blows the orange and green leaves and two squirrels are busily looking for tidbits to munch on. I wish their diet included these tiny, white bugs that are falling out of the trees. I suppose they are a part of autumn […]
One September Morning
I love these September mornings. The air is crisp and almost chilly. Sunlight brightens the treetops and leaves the lower leaves in shadow. My front flower garden is still mostly blooming, although some of the plants are decidedly drooping. Two giant marigolds have buds and are about to flower. Joe Pye has done all he’s […]