The Christmas Barn The 200-year old barn sat empty and lonely. No longer did horses stamp their feet inside his walls; cows didn’t warm the stalls with their breath; no sheep snuggled against each other to sleep the night away. The barn missed these animal friends. He missed the chickens who used to gossip […]

A Squirrel, a ‘Possum and a Yarrow
·A Fantastic Fable Wind tore at Squirrel. Rain blinded her, but she kept going, an inch at a time, down the tree toward the river. The roar of the flood drowned out all other sound. The tip of ‘Possum’s tail appeared above swirling dark water near the bank where the Yarrow grew. With the river […]

Squirrel Problem
·I like squirrels as much as anybody…or, maybe I don’t. I think they’re cute, entertaining, energetic, and fun to watch. However, I’ve also found them to be destructive and pretty much gluttons. They are not given to sharing. Which brings me to the subject at hand. At least six squirrels inhabit my back yard and […]
The Day Before Easter
·Such a lovely, still morning. The greens are vibrant. Shadows cast by the morning sun are sleepy, soft shadows. A squirrel scurries across my neighbor’s drive, and a blue jay is on the hunt for breakfast. The azaleas by the front door are starting to bloom, as is the Iris. My deck is littered […]

Tragedy Under the Bird Feeder
It was a quiet, winter morning. The sun shone on juncos, bluejays, chickadees, cardinals, and finches pecking at sunflower seeds in and under the bird feeder that hung from the crepe myrtle bush. Nothing about the scene hinted that a tragedy was in the making. A blur of brown swooped into my field of […]