The sound of sobbing came over the line and a hurried mumble that was impossible to understand. “Lizanne, I can’t hear what you’re saying. What’s wrong?” I asked. She spoke in a hoarse whisper, “Ned, you’ve got to come to the old church right now! It’s Daisy. She’s got me tied up. She’s going to […]

A Little Philosophy and Murder
·Sometimes, Ned, Pat and Jackie are philosophers. As my friend Jane once said, good friends are doctors and scientists and, well, I’m not quoting her correctly, but most of all, friends are there for each other. So, these three have their own thoughts about what causes a person to go bad. This is from Moonstruck […]

Spider Webs and Spooky Noises
·When you were a child, did you ever sit in the living room with your family on a dark night listening, petrified, while your dad or grandfather told a true story about a really spooky happening, something that was never explained? You wanted a rational, satisfying explanation but there was none. It was just a mystery, […]