No sounds break the frozen stillness of morning. Snow rims the dark limbs of trees, wintry patterns against a gray sky. A careful driver in a blue car eases down the icy street, his headlights a yellow swath in the darkness–a silent car on a silent street. But noises intrude. Coffee pot chuckles; furnace […]

Did You Hear That Noise?
·It gives me a fright when things out of sight go bumping and thumping around. My limbs start to shake and I’m wide awake on hearing an Invisible Sound. What could it be? I’m too frightened to see, so I stay covered up in my bed. Will it go away? It may if […]

What Was That Sound?
·This morning, a strange sound woke me. At first, I didn’t recognize it. It had a nice ring to it as it plunked onto something metal outside. Another noise over-shadowed it, a soft rumble. Aha! Thunder! Rain. At last, it was raining. Now, the morning is still dark. Rain has stopped, but the clouds promise […]

Cicada Summer
There he was, stuck to the screen of my door. What was he doing? Thinking? Doubtful. I hear him, these summer nights; he and his family and friends tune up in the darkness, singing their summertime songs, filling the night with their grating sound. All my life, I called them jar flies, and it was […]

Southern Summer Nights
·Southern summer nights–a hint of honeysuckle on an errant breeze, the cicadas’ grating song. From a tangle of tree limbs, an owl asks his eternal question. Past and present blur into one. This could be a hundred years ago, or it could be now. The evenings are the same. People move through, one era closes […]

The Bumble Bee’s Bed
·Have you ever wondered where bumble bees sleep? You haven’t? Yesterday morning, I found out. The sun wasn’t yet up, but I was. I stepped off the deck and went around to check out my Rose of Sharon. The day before, I’d seen lots of bumble bees busy among the blossoms. Well, yesterday morning, when […]